- If you wish to cancel your booking to a paid Workshop/Event/Consultation, please send a refund request to A full refund will be issued if your refund request is received 10 working days prior to the day of the Workshop/Event/Consultation, otherwise no refund will be given.
- The full delegate fee will be forfeited for non-attendance (for any reason) without prior notice or cancellation of your booking.
- A replacement delegate nominated and confirmed by you is permitted, but must be confirmed in writing to prior to the event.
- If you wish to cancel your booking to a free event please do so as soon as possible so that your space can be reallocated.
- Sabrina Yvonne Ltd reserves the right to make changes to the programme.
- Sabrina Yvonne Ltd reserves the right to cancel the event if unavoidable circumstances arise.
- This Workshop/Event/Consultation will be photographed and filmed. Attendance constitutes consent for these images/videos to be used, by Sabrina Yvonne Ltd and its partners, for promotional purposes.
- In compliance with the Data Protection Act, we must point out that the information on this form will be kept on a database.
- These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed under the laws of England and Wales and you submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.